If you are interested in swimming or diving at Eagan fill out our interest form HERE.
7th and 8th Grade Swimmers and Divers: Make sure to look for middle school swim and dive information when you return from Winter Break. Middle school season starts at the end of February 2025.
Head Swim and Dive Coach
Phone: 651-494-8179
Assistant Swim Coach
Phone: 651-775-7600
Head Diving Coach
Phone: 651-357-7969
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Welcome Back Swimmers and Divers!
We are excited for this upcoming season and can't wait to see everyone again! Shoutout to both our returning athletes as well as those who are joining our team for the first time!
We are here to support our team of athletes throughout the season, so reach out to any one of us! We are here to help!
PLUS, we have A TON of super fun team bonding activities planned for our team starting in August! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in the fun! You won't regret it!
Eagan High School Swim/Dive Booster Club |
The EHS Swim/Dive Booster Club serves both the girls and boys swim/dive teams. The Booster Club meets once a month on the second Monday via Google Meet or in-person meetings. All parents are invited and encouraged to attend!!! The purpose of the Boys and Girls Booster Club is the following:
Phone: 612-310-7155
Phone: 651-353-1802
Phone: 651-260-6311
Gertens Fundraiser Coordinator
Phone: 651-226-5586
To receive news and announcements from coaches and boosters, subscribe to the EHS Girls Swim and Dive Booster Club mailing list.
To subscribe, send an email togirlsswimdive+subscribe@ehsswimanddiveboosterclub.org
Eagan High School
4185 Braddock Trail • Eagan, MN 55123
Tel: 651-683-6900 • Fax: 651-683-6910